Three long lost brothers are unwittingly reunited and discover their inter-dimensional origins. Akira, Hiro and Katsu Minamoto are brought together by fate to battle against an extraterrestrial force of ninja assassins led by a dark and mysterious figure from all of their pasts. Led by a samurai master from an ancient land, the Minamoto brothers...
Texas 1885. Chance Murdoch is a respected lawman with a sterling reputation. After an encounter with an escaped prisoner almost turns deadly, Chance is rescued by a group of Apaches who turn him into one of their kind, a ‘moon wolf.’ Luke Murdoch is an outlaw with a price on his head that continues to grow with his reputation. A late night tryst...
Prohibition era Chicago. Chance Murdoch is a member of a special task force designed to deal with the out of control crime rates in the city. He has a secret weapon that makes him a valuable government asset...he is a werewolf! Luke Murdoch is quickly rising through the ranks of the criminal underworld in Chicago. He has a secret that will make...
1980s Los Angeles is known for both the glitz and the grime. Luke Murdoch, the vampire career criminal has expanded his interests into the booming drug dealing industry. Chance Murdoch, his werewolf brother, is on the side of the law working for the government to eradicate the drug cartels. The century long battle between the Murdoch brothers...
In the late 21st century the conflict between moon wolves, blood drinkers and humans has spread across the entire solar system. The wolves inhabit not only Jupiter, but its moon Europa. The blood drinkers are scattered from their home world of Drakul to Earth and several points in between. Humans are the minority, mainly hiding in the shadows of...
Sin is a concept nearly as old as civilization itself. Somewhere along the way we decided the seven deadliest. Wrath. Greed. Envy. Lust. Gluttony. Pride. Sloth. These are the worst of the worst. The Seven Deadly Sins. These are the tales of Seven Deadly Sinners committing atrocities so vile, so evil, they are nearly beyond comprehension. May God...
Plunge into a dark world of nightmares with twenty sickeningly sadistic short stories! Yarns featuring well known fiends such as vampires, zombies, werewolves and serial killers along with lesser known but equally terrifying monstrosities such as the lechuza, chupacabra, wendigo and golem make for a creepy concoction that will make your skin...
A creepy concoction of 19 weird science fiction and spine tingling horror stories, Pleasant Screams mixes gore, humor and even a little romance for one weirdly wonderful ride that's not for the faint of heart!